
Showing posts from May, 2024
  My husband says he loves his mother more than me. Should I divorce my husband? Honey, that's not a reason for divorce, that's practically a prenup benefit! Imagine the freedom! Laundry duty just got halved, holidays are guilt-free "me-time," and dinners are his problem. Look at the bright side, you might even get an upgrade to "second favorite" someday!
  9 Ways to Make Your Woman Feel Special: 1. Thoughtfulness Being thoughtful is essential to making your woman feel special Small acts of kindness. Like surprising her with flowers or planning a romantic date. Show her that she holds a special place in your heart. 2. Thoughtful gestures Don't underestimate the power of thoughtful gestures in a relationship. Taking the time to plan a surprise outing. Or offering your coat in the cold. Will leave a lasting impression and make her feel cherished. 3. Active Listening Active listening is a vital aspect of any strong relationship. When she shares her thoughts and feelings. Give her your undivided attention. Showing genuine interest in what she has to say demonstrates your care and support. 4. Shared Laughter Laughter is the glue that holds couples together. Find ways to make her laugh. Whether it's sharing funny stories or inside jokes. Creating joyful memories that strengthen your bond. 5. Self-Assurance Confidence is an attractive

What makes a relationship last long?

  What makes a relationship last long? Do not play games. You had a childhood for a reason. Control your jealousy even if you're madly in love with your partner and want them all to yourself. If you don't control your emotions, you’ll create constant problems that will make them leave you. You don't want that now do you? Appreciate the small things even when you don't feel like it. One day you’ll look back at them and realize they were the big things. Do not take your partner for granted even if you’re passing through not so ‘lovey-dovey’ phases. Agree on your sexual needs. I'm not saying have sex. You can have 0 sex and be happy together as long as you’re both okay with it. Master the balance of power. Both of you should have equal control of the relationship. The moment one of you becomes more controlling, you’ll take advantage and abuse each other. Do not change to the worse for your partner. Change to the best if you have to (for you and for your partner). Think
   How To Make A Yoruba Lady To Love You. Winning the heart of a Yoruba lady requires understanding and appreciation of her culture, values, and traditions. Here are some tips to help you get a Yoruba lady to love you: 📌 Respect her culture: Show interest in her heritage and traditions. Learn about Yoruba customs, food, music, and language (Yoruba or Nigerian languages like Yoruba, Igbo, or Hausa). 📌 Be confident and genuine: Yoruba ladies appreciate confidence and sincerity. Be yourself, and avoid pretenses. 📌 Show interest in her life: Ask about her family, interests, and goals. Listen attentively and offer support. 📌 Be respectful and courteous: Open doors, offer seats, and use polite language. Chivalry is valued in Yoruba culture. 📌 Dress well: Dress modestly and neatly, as Yoruba ladies appreciate good grooming. 📌 Cook traditional dishes: Cooking traditional Yoruba meals like jollof rice, egusi soup, or amala and ewedu can impress her. 📌 Learn Yoruba language and proverbs:
15 HABITS OF COUPLES THAT LAST: 1. They're affectionate even outside the bedroom. 2. They don't gossip about each other. 3. They hug and kiss to start the day and hug and kiss to end it. 4. They move towards the bedroom together each night. 5. They continually do small things for each other. 6. They celebrate in their partner's accomplishments. 7. They stand together and refuse to let outsiders call the shots. 8. They set aside time to regularly check in with each other. 9.They keep dating and treat date night as a sacred ritual. 10. When they argue, their goal is to come to a consensus, not to "win". 11.They are intimate about everything. 12. They say what they mean and mean what they say to each other. 13.They listen intently before replying. 14. They refuse to play the blame game. 15. They make daily sacrifices for each other.


  HOW TO DEEEPLY UNDERSTAND A GIRL 1. Girls find it so attractive when guys are good with kids. 2. Girls are naturally better at detecting lies than boys. 3. They trust you only once. 4. When a girl ignores you you've hurt her. 5. If you tell a girl she is ugly, she'll believe it for a lifetime. 6. They prefer guys who can protect them and make them feel safe. 7. Never compare a girl to someone. 8. Their clothes change their mood. 9. When girls like someone, they tend to look away. 10. Girls appreciate genuine compliments and gestures of thoughtfulness.m


  6 THINGS WOMEN REALLY NOTICE ABOUT GUYS 1. Take Care of Your Face: Women notice your face. Look good with a clean face, a neat jawline, and bright eyes. Your skin also matters, so keep it healthy. 2. Dress Sense: Wear clothes that show who you are. It’s not about brands, but about clothes that fit you really well and match your style. Present yourself in the best possible way. 3. How You Stand and Talk: Stand up straight, be confident, and use open body language. Look people in the eye and smile - it makes you look friendly. Communication is not just words; it’s also about how you act. 4. How You Stand and Talk: Stand up straight, be confident, and use open body language. Look people in the eye and smile - it makes you look friendly. Communication is not just words; it’s also about how you act. 5. How You Smell: A nice smell is memorable. Find a scent you like, and use it. It leaves a lasting impression. 6. How You Communicate: Speak confidently, be interesting, and avoid awkward sil

How can I know when a lady is in love with me?

  How can I know when a lady is in love with me? Submission accepted by  Karolina See parent question Answer Follow · 1 Request 1 Answer Sort Recommended Ammad Qureshi  ·  Follow Studied Psychology ,a Narcissist Expert & Freelancing Guru Mon Understanding if someone is in love with you can be complex, as people express their feelings in different ways. However, there are some common signs and behaviors that might indicate a lady is in love with you: Consistent Attention : She seeks out opportunities to spend time with you and consistently makes an effort to be in your presence, whether it's in person or through messages and calls. Engaged Communication : She listens attentively to what you say, remembers details about your life, and shows genuine interest in your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Body Language : Her body language can be very telling. Look for signs such as maintaining eye contact, leaning in when talking to you, mirroring your movements, and finding excuses


  FACTS ABOUT LADIES👄❤️‍🔥 If a woman says she is okay or replies with ‘hmm’ , she is not okay , she is either mad or her mood is off. A woman doesn't dress up or do a lot of skincare for guys or other people , she does it , cause she feels relaxed and happy while taking care of herself. If you are a friend with a woman and you like her , you better tell her early because its hard to get out of the friend zone or brother zone she has put you in. Beautiful , cute , pretty are lame compliments, these never make women blush or anything. Be genuine and comment about her personality and her soul not only outer beauty . If a girl is a wearing makeup or glasses and you tell her that “ you look good without makeup/glasses .” Please don't, she didn't do makeup to look same and she is wearing glasses cause she has to. That is literally a backhanded compliment. Women likes guys who are caring , genuine, can make them laugh and a man who has his future planned. If a women is kind and

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You: The 11 Signs Guys Can Look Out For

  How to Tell if a Girl Likes You: The 11 Signs Guys Can Look Out For How to Tell if a Girl Likes You: Signs to Look Out For Trying to decipher whether a girl is interested in you can be a challenging task. However, understanding the subtle signals and cues that women give off can help you determine if she truly likes you or if she is just being polite. Whether she is shy and reserved or confident and outgoing, there are certain signs to watch out for that can indicate her level of interest in you. Signs Shy Girls Like You: 1. Fidgety Behavior: Shy women may exhibit nervous behaviors like playing with their hair or adjusting their clothing when around someone they like. 2. Primping: If a shy woman puts extra effort into her appearance or grooming when she expects to see you, it's a clear indication of her interest. 3. Subtle Stares: Shy women may steal glances at you when they think you're not looking, followed by a quick look away when caught. 4. Leaning Toward You: Leaning in