Why do modern marriages fail?

 Why do modern marriages fail?

  1. Many couples opt for a single child today. Many a time when a single child grows up, he/she find it difficult to adjust with their spouses because they have mostly been pampered by their parents and used to having their own way.
  2. Many married couples are both highly ambitious today. Money and career are more important to them than making their marriage work.
  3. Most couples in modern marriages lack patience to make the marriage work. A disagreement and quarrel is enough to make them file for divorce.
  4. Couples have high expectations from each other. If the expectations are not met, they are not willing to continue the marriage.
  5. About 15 years back, if the refill of a pen got over, we bought a new refill but didn't throw away the pen. Today it's use and throw culture. The refills cost more than buying a new pen. So people prefer to buy a new pen than buy a new refill. Similarly with marriage, if you don't find immediate happiness with your partner, then divorce him/her and find a new one instead of trying to find solutions to make the marriage work.
  6. People are ready to invest their time in social media, career, making more money etc, but are not willing to invest their time in making relationships work.
  7. Overinterference by parents who instead of advising their children to make the marriage work, encourage them to go for a divorce.


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