YOUNG MEN LET ME BE HONEST WITH YOU TODAY. You see that girl you are dating now, she has a higher chance of making it in life faster than you. This is why you shouldn't spend all your youthfulness building relationship with a woman. The truth is she can easily walk out of that relationship and go ahead and marry an already made man, a man who has figured his life out, who has money and enough resources and on the strength of her marriage with the already made man she has made it in life. Whereas, you as a man is own your own, nobody is coming to save you, nobody cares about you, people don't even love you until you have value. You see why investing all your youthfulness with a woman can be very dangerous and unhealthy for your future. Women has more leverage early in life than man, like this like this, she's already winning you, the world is more fair to her than you and this is why you need to focus more on your purpose than you are focusing on her. If you fail to make i...